When it comes to saving energy and money with your lighting solutions, LED technology is the way to go. If you already have fixtures in place that you are looking to convert for energy-savings, it is an easy option to retrofit a fluorescent strip fixture to LED. It doesn’t make sense to buy a whole new fixture for the power of LED when we have kits that can make this a relatively quick and easy solution. Here are a few things to know about how to retrofit a fluorescent strip fixture to LED.
- Never work on a fixture with power running through it. Double check to ensure there is no power. Also, make sure you use wire nuts or electrical tape for any wires you aren’t intending to use.
- Make sure you choose the right kit for your needs. The two options are a CS bracket kit and an RX-8 kit. To find the right kit you should measure your fixture to determine which kit would work best for your needs. The main difference in kits will be that one is a flat plate design and the other allows you to break it into three sections. It will also depend on the size of your fixture and the intended purposes.
- Choose bracket kits that allow you to adjust them as you go along. This will help you with proper placement. Even after you have placed them with the tombstones, you will still be able to move them as needed.
- Select unshunted tombstones. They are ideal for converting to LED. These tombstones have four holes that will help with keeping the bracket securely placed and equally balanced.
- Divide your fixture in half in terms of wiring. Using the bulbs to measure, find the halfway point of your fixture and mark it. This will make it easier to evenly placed your brackets.
- On most fixtures, you will only have one power end. The other will be a dummy side with no actual power running to it. When working with larger fixtures, you will run your power from one end to that center bracket to give both sides power.
- It is okay to use the existing wires from the fixture to jumper power wires to the other sockets. This is a good way to recycle and the wires will get the job done without needing to purchase new wires.
- Many people screw down their brackets and then wire them. It is much easier to run your wires through and then screw them down. This also lets you make any necessary adjustments you may need to make.
These tips are the foundation of how to convert a fluorescent to an LED option.
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