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Covering the fluorescent ballast basics, contact us to learn about the options that are available.

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Hi, it's James Abraham again with I’m going to explain a question that I get a lot of times. You know, a lot of times people call up and they either want like a metal halide fixture or they want, you know, something that’s going to output different than a fluorescent fixture. Let me just go by saying, there’s really a huge difference in today’s fluorescent fixtures versus yesterday’s fluorescent fixtures. One, you know I get people that call up and they go, “well, you know, gosh, you know, my old fluorescents they hum or, you know, they make noise all day.” That’s what’s considered a magnetic ballast, and you will get that hum out of those, but nowadays, you know, fluorescent fixtures are all electronic so, you know, right now I’m in a room that basically has all fluorescent six lamp T8’s, and you cannot hear any noise from those fixtures, and they’ve been on quite a while, but wanted to give people, you know, at least idea of, you know, the difference between the old metal halides and the T8’s or T5 fluorescent fixtures. One, a big difference now the same light that you’re going to get from those old type metal halides or the pulse start metal halides, you’re going to get from this fixture also. It does give you a little better spread, you know, usually it depends on the application for them, but, you know, that would probably be the way to go. One, you’re going to be saving a ton of money. You know, this fixture here is equivalent to a depreciated 400 watt metal halide and it’s using 300 and I think 26 watts where at a 400 metal watt halide you’re using about 440 450. You’re saving a lot of wattage and that’s one of the reasons they’re given such big rebates for putting this in your facilities, but you know if you have questions, you can call us at 888 454 4480. We’ll help explain, really help you explain your application, and put you in the right fixture, or you can go to our website at Hey, have a great day. I appreciate you stopping by. Thanks.
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Fluorescent Light Ballasts

Covering the fluorescent ballast basics, contact us to learn about the options that are available.

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Compact Fluorescent (CFL) Ballasts

Ensure your fixtures perform the right way with compact fluorescent ballasts. These are available in a range of options from top brands.

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LED Lighting Ballast & Drivers

Shop our large selection of high quality ballasts and drivers for LED, fluorescent, metal halide and high pressure sodium lights.

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